Skills & Technology

WPL has achieved an outstanding reputation for their sophisticated engineering capabilities and the application of latest technological advances.  Keen observation on the latest technological advances and site specific constraints are the keys to WPL’s innovative opportunities.

In the early 80s, WPL was determined to put together, in a single office, a first-rate, high-tech, tailor-developed and fully computerized operation. Since then, WPL was already a first consultant firm in the region to install bundled computer system with the high resolution graphics stations to provide a multi-user working environment, a forerunner to use 3D and finite element analysis with customized pre/post-processors, and an earliest user of CAD for high quality and accurate engineering drawings even before the birth of PC AutoCAD. In essence, we have the ability to obtain all design parameters at our finger tips in providing the most economical and efficient designs to our clients over a very short period by actually trying out many viable solutions.

Some of the examples include the implementation of finite-element transfer mesh sensitivity analysis with the state-of-the-art in-house computing facilities for the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre; innovative use of cut-off slurry wall for the foundation works at the reclaimed site for the Guinness record Cargo and Freight Station at Berth No. 3.

Advanced technological analysis was also applied to the timber structure for the Chi Lin Nunnery, which has been elected by the public amongst the Award of “Ten Engineering Wonders in Hong Kong”, as well as the first recipient for Best Structural Design Award in 1998/99 from The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers & The Institution of Structural Engineers.

Recently, WPL developed the innovative design of the new ‘Superslab’ semi-precast system; a semi-precast system with lattice girder and computer aided manufacturing that enable local manufacturing industry to remain competitive in the market and resulted in the award of the Design-and-Build package for the first school village in HKSAR. The school village was completed on September 2002 and another building with the similar system has been in operation since September 2003.

WPL uses web-based documentation and project techniques in most of our projects. The use of the web based system by our staff ensure that we have quick, reliable and up-to-date information flow amongst the Project team members. Advantage of the web-based system is also fully utilized for our international projects where we could practically use the UK-HK and US-HK time differences to gain from one-day production rate to that of nearly two-day working period.


Awards & Recognition

WPL is a multi-award winning consultant for the Best Structural Design, Best Performance and Quality Building, encompassing the technical, quality management and teamworking capabilities essential for the Projects entrusted to us.

These awards are valued encouragement to WPL's committed working relationship with our partnering team and continuous quest for quality and technical excellence in the professional services for our esteemed Clients.

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